Gut Check Accomplishments
Booth to create awareness, educate and network with scientists and physicians at
Anaerobe Society of the Americas scientific meetings in 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016 and 2018.
Sponsored speakers regarding C. septicum during these Meetings.
2012-​ David Aronoff, MD, PhD, Vanderbilt University.
2014- David Aronoff, MD, PhD, Vanderbilt University.
2016- Michael Aldape, PhD, Boise VA Medical Center / Michael Mallozzi, PhD, University of Arizona.
2018- Poster on C. septicum alpha toxin quick screen- Jim Mobley, PhD, Cayman Chemical.
2017-2018: C. septicum alpha toxin ELISA quick screen- Jim Mobley, PhD, Cayman Chemical.
Completion estimated November 2018.
2017: Booth to create awareness, educate and network with scientists and physicians at
The Clostpath International Conference on the Molecular Biology and Pathogenesis of the Clostridia.
2017- Scientific White Paper- Mike Mallozzi, PhD / Gut Check Scientific Advisor, and Andrew Clark, PhD Graduate student, University of Arizona.
2017- Booth at March for Science to create public awareness of C. septicum.
2016-2017- Sponsored presentations for Rare Disease Day at Banner - University Medical Center to scientists, physicians and medical students.
2016- List Labs collaborates with Gut Check to create C. septicum toxin for researchers.
2015-2016- Gut Check funds study to determine which antibiotics are effective against C. septicum- Dennis Stevens, MD, PhD, and Michael Aldape, PhD, Boise VA Medical Center.
2014-2016- Genome Sequencing of C. septicum- Joseph Petrosino, PhD, and Nadim Ajami, PhD, Baylor College of Medicine Houston.
2014- Prevalence study of C. septicum in healthy adult stool samples- David Aronoff, MD, PhD, Vanderbilt University.
2014- Became a member of National Organization of Rare Disorders (NORD)- Patient Advocacy Group.
2013-2014- Participated in Tucson Festival of Books- created public awareness and sold The Dragon That Could- a children's story to raise funds for C. septicum research.
2012- Published The Dragon That Could- written by Andrew Rees and illustration by Celina Andrade. (This story was written by Andrew Rees prior to him dying from C. septicum)